

FINO ULTRA AROMA garbage bags with practical and durable drawstring can be tied with a cinch and transported with ease. The drawstring ensures hands' hygiene and a tight grip even when bag is fully loaded. Thanks to their high quality material they are offering maximum stretchable strength. FINO ULTRA AROMA bags are pre-cut for your convenience. Available in pomegranate, olive soap or musky powder scent.


Ideal for kitchen and office bins.


  • Durable drawstring
  • High quality material
  • Strong
  • Pre-cut bag
  • Aromatic

Učinite da Vaše površine zablistaju!

Za sjaj na površinama.

GLOWING SURFACESPraktičan, inovativan i efikasan proizvod koji čini čišćenje jednostavnim; Ovo je proizvod koji definitivno morate imati.

FINO Vam uvek donosi inovativne i efikasne proizvode. Novi proizvodi za negu poda, čine čišćenje kuće jednostavnim. Svaka površina u Vašoj kući će zablistati.

Veoma upijajući mopovi, proizvodi za suvo čišćenje nameštaja i poda, zajedno čine idealno rešenje čak i za najzahtevnije domaćinstvo.

Make it Glow!


GLOWING SURFACESPractical, innovative and effective products which make cleaning chores easier; this is a definite must-have.

FINO brings you the most innovative and efficient products. The New Floor Care products, make house cleaning a piece of cake. Every surface will glow as never before.

Very absorbent mops, microfibre polisher, cleaning systems for floor and furniture, all compose the ideal solution even for the most demanding household.

Stay Fresh.

Keep food fresh longer with a variety of storage options.

Bag it.

Keep your home and the environment clean.

Clean Up.

Choose the easy way for tough household dirt.
Make it Glow!
Easier floor cleaning!
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